Saturday 16 April 2011

To Sun, From Rain

He's just a sort of sun
Shining. Warming. Mesmerizing.
Standing so firm upon two peaks of mountains

I'm just kinda rain
Wet.Cold. Aloof.
Crawling upon the yellowish torn leaves

Too long, I stare at him
Looking at his fire-like eyes
Hoping that he taps my door 
and leaves me a bucket of rose 

Too shy, I peek at his narrow smile
Thinking that candy becomes less sweeter
and sugar goes plain
Hei  * , would that smile be given only for me?


Note: For someone who dries my long-sleeves shirt.

Bandung, April 16, 2011 at 07:54

Friday 1 April 2011

Sorry...I'm not that pathetic

You are such a boring stuff
Even worse than learning grammar
I'm fed up with speeches coming out from your mouth
Could you just zip it out
It's just enough for me to take a breath

Who the hell are you?
You're not my headmaster
You're just an awful orator 
Never think that I'll be a silly follower
I'm not that pathetic 

For somebody in somewhere
Sorry, I'm thinking of leaving you