Wednesday 1 June 2011

The Diary of A "Dilapidated" Swan

Last night, she almost "cut off her head" with a rusty jackknife. She was outta control. No thought. No wisdom.  Just a piece of boredom and loneliness. No meek fellowship. Yesterday and another previous day, she got quarrel with her boyfriend for trivial things. No comfort. Just resentment. Everyday is just like black and white painting. Nothing else. No blue. No violet. She is really pathetic sometimes.Really, she wanna see another world. In one night,she is dreaming of eating pizza in Italy, dancing Chaiya-Chaiya in India, hitchhiking Obama's official car namely Cadillac 1, or just sneaking in Holliwood Ball. 

She looked paler than ghost. Panda-eyed girl is a good alias for her. Staring at the 26-alphabet keyboard, her bad mood grew thicker and thicker. Tedious school affair, problems with coworker, spoiling daily grind had taught her to kick everything she faced....tore up paper for no good reason. She sat rotting in anger.

Until....somebody came to her. What so called "somebody" was not a prince from nowhere kingdom.  He was just a man who wanted to listen to her story. He didn't speak too much words. He merely let her cry. He did knows how fragile she is. And she knew well how dependable he is. 

Now, she realized he turned her tear into chuckles. She is sleeping now. She feels warm.

*When desperation slithers into every inch of our fibre......