Monday 22 November 2010


Just let me fly

Dawn breaks,
Very tiny flower cries for the first time

Sun rises,
Very tiny flower smiles for a bright world
She opens her glittering eyes
Her white flower head keep swinging
She plays with the wind
Dancing over the breeze of Yorkshire
She goes away with canary
Twitting like the daughter of The Rainbow Lorikeet
She flies to the endless sky
Making friend with the Sagarmatha 
She visits angels in heaven
Chanting over the chocolate river

Sun sets,
Very tiny flower is back from her picnic
She brings seven colors of rainbow,
A pair of silky wing and
A package of God’s candy

She is Dandelion
She is me

Bandung, November 23, 2010
By Martina Herawatiningsih 
Created when the smell of breeze dances playfully under bluish sky