Tuesday 7 December 2010


When carnival overrides silence

Soon, after the carnival,....

In the morning,
We  are like a couple of  pink flamingo in Yucatan Peninsula
Perching beneath the dewy trees
Singing for the flock of butterflies
Flying to the east to greet sun shine

At night,
We are like a set of Chinese porcelain
So delicate but powerful inside
Sleeping only upon the gentlest cradle
Dreaming underneath the mantra of tenderness

Two years after the carnival,
We are still like the pink flamingo,
and the finest Chinese porcelain

Bandung, December 8, 2010
By Martina Herawatiningsih


  1. nice picture....
    i like it..

    -just nobody_nowhere-

  2. I know who u are......
    I have no choice
    He's the only guy left
