Friday 26 July 2013

I am a Proud Chubbycheeker :)

This time, I wanna talk about something attached to our face, which are cheeks. Are you confident enough with your cheeks? Some people will say yes and the rest says otherwise. The answer might depend on how our cheeks look like. People with perfect cheekbone might enjoy every single angle of photo shoot, choose various hairstyles, wear many different hijab styles, put on any kind of eye wear, etc. Unfortunately, such kind of freedom can't be claimed by chubbycheekers (I name it totally, unequivocally, at my will) :-P. They (including the writer) tend to be picky when they should pose in front of camera, try new haircut, pick up hijab style etc. Speaking of posing in front of camera, chubbycheekers might trick the camera by taking angle into consideration, defy a few degree from the camera, avoid being taken from direct front side. For example: 
The girl in the picture has chubby cheeks, so she takes her picture from a certain angle to make her face thinner. :)
A proud chubbycheeker
Look at her veil style too! It is advisable for chubbycheekers to wear hijab that covers inner cheekbone.
Okay now, how about haircut? Longer hair is the best choice to minimize the fatness of cheek. Multilayer hair will make your cheeks thinner. To add, bangs also play important role to make your face slimmer.

Now, wanna some tips for reducing chubby cheek? Try the following things
    1. regular workout
    2. healthy diet
    3. take a break
    4. sufficient sleep hour
    5. etc.

    However, not all those tips and tricks above entirely apply to me. I'm a chubbycheeker but I have pixie haircut. And I'm doing so good with it. I'm also proud of my chubby cheek. I'm not afraid of taking my whole-side cheek picture. I just chill out and smile. Wanna some secrets?. All you have to do is getting along with what God has given to us. Be thankful, guys. And you'll love it. You are special. Well, I documented it. Look, who's heeeeeere?

     Dilarang protes ya, Mbak, Mas, Bu, Pak

    Next, wanna hear my say about this? In my own view, being a chubbycheeker is not a barrier for being pretty and confident. It has something to do with mind. If we think we're looking good and awesome, so does our aura. Believe me, people around you will feel the aura you sparkle. I always think people can't be physically classified into ugly and pretty. They are just unique. They are beautiful in their own way. Why? Because I'm so sure about the longevity of good deeds and the "untimely death" of good looks. 

    PS: The writer suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder and happens to be a proud chubbycheeker.
           I love you, fellas.
           Happy Friday
           Have a blast weekend

    SD Darul Hikam Library 2.22 July 26, 2013

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